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3 real-life examples of how coding automation improves primary care practices: Fathom featured in Medical Economics

Taylor (Ross) Webster
August 10, 2023

Medical Economics is a leading practice management and finance multi-channel resource for physicians. Through their "beyond the classroom" editorial content, Medical Economics delivers expert advice, shared experiences, tools, and value-based solutions to be efficient and build wealth in today's practice environment.

Fathom's Head of Coding Quality, Taylor (Ross) Webster (CPC, CCS), discusses how coding automation technology strengthens primary care practices.

"Not only does the AI technology free physicians from spending time on coding, it also improves the quality and velocity of the revenue cycle for the practice, flagging incomplete or missing documentation earlier for staff to correct. This more efficient approach results in more accurate coding and revenue capture, as well as more time for physicians to spend with patients."

Read the full article from Medical Economics.

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